About Us

Hi Saya Husan Ahmad

husainahmad.com is a privately managed site. The articles on this site discuss (1) Physics teaching materials; (2) Scholarship information; (3) article writing material; and (4) News about Education.

The topics above are related to the background of the manager of the husanahmad.com site, which is a lecturer at a university. Each topic on this site has a specific purpose. (1) Physics teaching materials are not only devoted to university students but to all levels of education units (IPA for Elementary and Junior High Schools, Physics for High Schools and Colleges); (2) Scholarship information is intended to provide knowledge/information about scholarships for graduates of SMA, S1, and S2 to continue to higher education levels; (3) The material for writing articles is intended for students and lecturers, where this article is a graduation requirement for students and career development requirements for lecturers; and (4) Education News, intended to provide information to education practitioners about developments in the world of education including policies, regulations, etc.

CV of the Author Husain Ahmad

The author is a lecturer (lecturer) in one of the state universities in Makassar. The background of the author’s education is the Alumni of Physics Study Program, FMIPA UNM (S1), Graduates of the Pend Study Program. Physics (S2) PPs UNM, and Alumni of Physics Study Program (S3) ITS, Surabaya.

During college, the field of expertise that the author developed was Physics, Mainly Materials Science or Material Physics. In terms of disseminating research results, the author makes scientific articles that have been published in reputable international journals. This experience in writing gives the writer the courage to share tips on how to write international articles with readers.

As a lecturer, he has the main task called the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely Teaching, Research, and community service. These three points in the tri dharma of higher education become tasks in the writer’s daily life. Through this site, the author hopes to add ways to carry out the tri dharma of higher education, especially in terms of teaching and community service.

If the reader has constructive criticism and suggestions for the improvement of this site, the author can be contacted via email: husain.physics@unm.ac.id.

Best regards
