10 Daftar Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi Bidang Pendidikan (Q1, Q2, dan Q3), yang Bisa Gratis

HusainAhmad.com Pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan daftar jurnal internasional bereputasi bidang pendidikan. Kenapa bidang pendidikan, karena selama ini teman-teman atau setidaknya ada stigma bahwa artikel-artikel dari bidang pendidikan sulit untuik terbit di jurnal internasinal bereputasi:

Pada bagian judul saya menuliskan “yang bisa gratis”, maksudnya adalah bahwa author diberi kesempatan untuk memilih (saat proses submit) untuk tidak membayar biaya publikasi jika artikelnya accepted untuk publish. Diberikan 10 daftar jurnal mulai dari Q1, Q2, dan Q3,

1. Nama Jurnal: Computers and education (Q1)

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/computers-and-education

Subject Area: (1) Social Sciences: Education; (2) Computer Science: General Computer Science

Aim dan Scope: Computers & Education aims to increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which digital technology can enhance education, through the publication of high-quality research, which extends theory and practice. The Editors welcome research papers on the pedagogical uses of digital technology, where the focus is broad enough to be of interest to a wider education community.

2. Nama Jurnal: Educational Research Review (Q1)

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/educational-research-review

Subject Area: Social Sciences: Education

Aim dan Scope: Educational Research Review is an international journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the review of studies and theoretical papers in education at any level. The journal accepts high quality articles that are solving educational research problems by using a review approach. This may include thematic or methodological reviews, or meta-analyses. The journal does not limit its scope to any age range. The journal invites articles on the broad range of settings in which people learn and are educated (school settings, corporate training, formal or informal settings, etc.).

3. Nama Jurnal: Postdigital Science and Education (Q1)

Link Jurnal: https://www.springer.com/journal/42438

Subject Area: (1) Social Sciences: EducationSocial Sciences: (2) Social Sciences (miscellaneous)Arts and Humanities: (3) Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)

Aim dan Scope: Postdigital Science and Education explores education and research in and for the postdigital age. Working at the intersections of technology, sociology, history, politics, philosophy, arts, media studies, critical pedagogy, and science-fiction, the journal welcomes contributions from wide range of disciplines and inter-, trans- and anti- disciplinary research methodologies.

4. Nama Jurnal: Learning and Instruction (Q1)

Link Jurnal: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/learning-and-instruction

Subject Area: Social Sciences: EducationPsychology: Developmental and Educational Psychology

Aim and scope: As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, Learning and Instruction provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific research in the areas of learningdevelopmentinstruction and teaching. The journal welcomes original empirical investigations. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction, and the rigor of the study.

5. Nama Jurnal: Science and Education (Q2)

Link Jurnal: https://www.springer.com/journal/11191

Subjet Area: Social Sciences: Education

Aim and Scope: Science & Education publishes research informed by the history, philosophy and sociology of science and mathematics that seeks to promote better teaching, learning, and curricula in science and mathematics. More particularly Science & Education promotes: The utilization of historical, philosophical and sociological scholarship to clarify and deal with the many intellectual issues facing contemporary science and mathematics education.

6. Nama Jurnal : Curriculum Journal (Q2)

Link Jurnal: https://bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14693704

Aim and Scope: –

Sucject Area: Social Sciences: Education

7. Nama Jurnal: Educational Studies (Q2)

Link Jurnal: https://www.tandfonline.com/journals/ceds20

Aim and scope: Educational Studies aims to provide a forum for original investigations and theoretical studies in education. The journal publishes fully refereed papers which cover applied and theoretical approaches to the study of education.

Subject Area: Social Sciences: Education

8. Nama Jurnal: Educational Forum (Q3)

Link Jurnal: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/utef20

Aim and Scope: The Educational Forum is a double-blind, refereed journal that solicits research reports and essays on diverse topics of significance to educators globally. Through the inclusion of compelling research findings and thought-provoking perspectives, The Educational Forum intends to serve as a catalyst for stimulating and encouraging research and dialogue and for advancing and transforming education.

Subject Area: Social Sciences: Education

9. Nama Jurnal: International Journal of Comparative Education and Development (Q3)

Link Jurnal: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/ijced?id=ijced

Aim and Scope: Manuscripts’ main topic must be in international comparative education with sub-areas including, but not limited to:

  • Educational Policy and Administration
  • Citizenship and Globalization
  • Internationalization of Education
  • Diversity and Multiculturalism
  • Sustainable Development
  • Higher Education
  • Gender and Equity
  • Critical Discourse

Subject Area: Social Sciences: Education

10. Nama Jurnal: International Journal of Innovation and Learning (Q3)

Link Jurnal: https://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijil

Aim and Scope: –

Subject Area: (1) Social Sciences: EducationBusiness, (2) Management and Accounting: Management of Technology and Innovation

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